Hate in the name of love

It might have been during the “Political Correctness” phase that American society found itself losing tolerance for all things not sanctioned by the arbitrary gods of popularity. We seemed to be doing fairly well breaking away from prejudices based on stereotypes, and then bigotry made a comeback in some twisted vision of being intolerant of intolerance. We went from being proud of ourselves to being disdainful of everything outside our selves.



There seems a race to be the first identify and denounce anyone who doesn’t share the acceptable views. It is not even an analog approach, in which acceptance is based on a percentage of shared ideas. Zero tolerance became the buzz word for the thought police, any variation means being labeled an outcast.

Who behaves like this? Insecure, shallow fools. But the very point of this article is to avoid hatred, so don’t get me wrong. I love insecure shallow fools. I’ve even been married to a few. I love dogs, I just don’t like being snarled at.

Maybe it is just too much to ask people to be better than that which they despise. Jesus tried and for his efforts was nailed to a tree.

A bill recently introduced in Tennessee, HR 1547, is titled ” The Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act”. Apparently, the fact it is from Tennessee automatically makes it racist and homophobic. An article published on “The New Civil Rights Movement” website carries the headline “Tennessee Passes Bill Allowing LGBT Students To Be Bullied In The Name Of ‘Religious Freedom’.”

Okay, there are hack writers of every stripe, and fanning the flames of prejudice is always a money making proposition. What makes this article so astounding is the link to the actual bill within the hate speech. The bill actually empowers LGBT students in their rights to free speech in the schools, but the article implies allowing any speech without prejudice is allowing bullying.

The extrapolation of the effects of the bill continues with “At a basic level, a student could merely write “God” on a chemistry test as the answer to a question asking to where water comes from.” Why yes, a student could write that today. He would be wrong. The summary of the bill states “This bill requires an LEA (Local Education Authority) to treat a student’s voluntary expression of a religious viewpoint, if any, on an otherwise permissible subject.” which means that the expression of a viewpoint is allowed, not judged as correct, and only on otherwise permissible subjects, science (with the exception of AGW) is not about opinions. That’s just not good enough for the muckraker who wrote this, or the drooling hordes who chimed in with their learned views. “Bartdrom” commented “Congratulation to the people of Tennessee. You have now set the new standard, lowered the bar, for civility, intellect, and education of your young. Now states like Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas have a new low to aim for. Until then, they’ll be able to say: “Yes, we’re backward 3rd world states too, to whom education, reason, tolerance and civility are largely eschewed …but at least we aren’t Tennessee.”.” No, no prejudice or intolerance there.

I’m not suggesting that so called liberals are the only source of intolerance, there are closed minded people of every creed. It is the hypocrisy that astounds me. One friend uses the sarcastic phrase “Kill all fanatics”, and is joined with a chorus of fanatics who cannot see the sarcasm. I suppose it is to be expected, seeing yourself is a trait associated with critical thinking, not angry mobs.

So I try. I try not to treat all of Islam based the acts of the Taliban. I try not treat all LGBT people based on the acts of queer nation. I try not treat all Christians based the acts of the Westboro Baptist Church. I try not to treat all liberals based the acts of a few uneducated children. But then, I’m one of those Christian Conservative Republicans from Texas, so my opinion doesn’t count anyway.

Every belief system teaches to treat others with the respect you wish to receive. That does not mean treat others the way they treat you, it means prove you are worthy of the treatment you desire by treating others in that fashion. Don’t damage your cause by acting in the way the people you don’t like act. Or the way you think they act. Or the way you think they acted one hundred years ago. If we all tried to be better than the people we don’t agree with rather than the same as them, the world would pretty much have to be a better place.






6 comments on “Hate in the name of love

  1. markrhunter says:

    Well said!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mari Collier says:

    You say it so well. Human nature wins out every time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. MIke R says:

    You have penned one of those pieces that cause many of us to say, “Yeah! LIke he said!” A lot of this probably goes back to the (de)reconstruction of the South and the ongoing attempts to strip that part of the country of any honor. Hollywood, the mainstream media, and institutions of education have been painting the South ugly for as long as I can remember. Southern white males are always prejudiced, hateful, and violent. Christians, especially conservative Christians are always played as bigoted and self-righteous. Texans are Southerners with a lack of restraint. To be fair, much of the evangelical branch of the conservative Christian church has blundered its commission by joining hands with politics in the area of abortion and homosexuality, painting themselves ugly and hateful in the process. You hit the nail on the head with the sound advice, “prove you are worthy of the treatment you desire by treating others in that fashion.” An example of this that I have found when interacting with people who are close-minded is to hug them—as you would a porcupine–gently. Just listening to someone for some length and reflecting back to them what you believe them to be saying can be invaluable in further communications.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kblakecash says:

      The tide may be turning. We just watched the film “42”, about Jackie Robinson, which depicted the racism in the North as well as Southerners who either were compassionate from the beginning or found their way past their prejudices.

      It wasn’t a “hit you over the head” message, but it contained examples of learned racism (timed perfectly, in a scene just after Lieve said “don’t you think that behavior is learned?”). Maybe more people are learning we are all on the same (human) team.


  4. rebouel says:

    Ironically timely. Concise.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. […] (one a person, the other a career) in the top ten, then one just hits a chord, like an article on hypocritical intolerance, which became the most read article of the year even though it was only published two weeks […]


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