Implausible deniability

Many of you are aware I used to work for Amazon. While it was a fascinating experience, it is not one I would ever repeat.

Recently the New York Times published an article about the workplace culture at Amazon. For some reason, Jeff Bezos, founder and chief executive of Amazon took exception to the descriptions of the treatment of employees saying “The article doesn’t describe the Amazon I know.” I am not surprised. Not because there is anything untrue in the New York Times article, but because Jeff Bezos is a lying asshole. I just wanted to get any inappropriate presumptions of my appraisal of Amazon out of the way as quickly as possible.

Bezos doesn’t particularly care for the press outside of advertising. He appears to have a disdain for the written word, and after a year of trying to figure out why so little is written down at Amazon (word of mouth being the preferred method of communication) it became apparent. Written documents create a chain of evidence. It becomes difficult to keep saying “I never heard that before” when there are a stack of memos alerting you to the situation. And this is what Bezos is doing with his statement. “I’ve never heard any complaints because anyone who complains is marginalized and shown the door” doesn’t make as good of a press release. His denial is implausible.

The article described the culture at the Seattle headquarters of Amazon, focusing on the white collar workers there. I have no experience at that facility, but the reporting came as no surprise. I left Amazon amid complaints about the “sociological snake pit” at the Robbinsville, New Jersey facility (EWR4). My complaints. I could see how the process was flawed and self perpetuating, I was at the time too naive to realize this was the design. For some reason I wanted to believe the hype, I wanted to believe Amazon treated its employees with twenty first century sensibilities, what I found was the Simon Legree school of management, with enough Orwellian overtones to bring a physical chill when considered. I was alarmed the management failures were creating a hostile work environment, without realizing it was business as usual. The fact that one manager had been successfully sued for sexual harassment three times, and rather than be fired (zero tolerance was allegedly the policy) he had been promoted should have told me everything I needed to know. Much like the Catholic Church, every time this guy was sued they just moved him to another location.

EWR4 is almost entirely blue collar, a new facility built to utilize Kiva technology, robot assisted inventory. Amazon purchased Kiva systems in 2012, an attempt to monopolize use of the warehouse robotics. Amazon isn’t really interested in free market principles, it prefers to own its competition and when that is not possible it blocks access to innovations that would allow competition. The facility opened in July of 2014, I was there the first day. As we developed into our roles, it was immediately apparent these Amazon folks had no idea what they were doing. There were teams from different facilities which were supposed to be training the new hires, but when your company doesn’t commit anything to writing (or bother to bring trainers who are familiar with the subject which they will be training), each “trainer” has his own way of doing things (We later found that being a trainer was a perk, an ability to go on “vacation,” and assignments were based on connections rather than skills). Some of the trainers had come from facilities that didn’t even have the Kiva robots, and tried to show us how to do things “their way.” Six months later we were still trying to figure out the processes, each new manager having his own idea of what the jobs we were trying to accomplish consisted of, and how to accomplish them. Among a shrinking group of associates who were actual critical thinkers, the joke was “Well, this startup wasn’t too bad, considering this is the very first time they have opened a fulfillment center.” There are one hundred and fifty one,  sarcasm was salvation.

Although there were a handful of managers who had transferred to the location for startup, none agreed on anything. A question could have six different answers, and any answer different from the one the manager speaking was giving you was wrong. Bob might tell you to do something one way, then Jim would discipline you the next day for not doing it the way he wanted (but had never actually told you about). Standards for discipline were elusive, a theoretical performance goal became the minimum accepted productivity. Associates were encouraged to apply for lower management positions, so of course the rabble of incompetents jumped for the openings. You no doubt have a job. You have worked with other people. You may have management skills. If you do, you know that “wanting to tell other people what to do” is not a management quality. Yet those were the people “promoted” first. I did not apply for management positions, it was made clear early on (the day our interview became our orientation) skills and experience were meaningless. A promotion to a managing position might take you to a department in which you had never worked, where you would have the opportunity to tell people who had actually been doing the job how to do it better, even though you had never done it at all. Oh, there’s this story about how every manager is exposed to all the facets of the facility. I once sat in the pilot’s seat of a jet fighter, but I would have no idea how to fly the thing and would never presume to correct a trained pilot.

There is a lot of talk about leadership at Amazon. I never saw any, but I heard the words and saw them written on the walls. The “Leadership principles” are printed throughout the building (often misspelled). All that was missing was a big “Big Brother Loves You.” The frustrating thing for those of us who opened the facility was the leadership principles are rarely followed. I speak of those of us who started last year, a cross section of the unemployed in Central New Jersey. We showed up for our interviews and found we were at orientation, this is presented as a big happy surprise to new hires. If you only hire simpletons it will be a big happy surprise, but when you hire blindly across the the pool of available talent a few intelligent people slip in. We found it rather off putting our first interaction with the company was basically a lie. Far from “hiring the best” as Amazon chants, it is “hire the available.” By Christmas it appeared the recruiters were scouring homeless shelters, and the work environment reflected such. I was called “gay” by one group of young ladies, it doesn’t bother me but seemed to get under the skin of my girlfriend, who couldn’t fathom the ignorance in the question “Where is your gay boyfriend?” She was attacked with racial slurs because she wasn’t black. That was the cumulative total of reasons to call her a “Cracker ass cracker.” When she complained to HR her complaint was shredded. Yep, months later when she referred to the complaint because the situation had only gotten worse, the manager in question admitted to shredding the complaint. The examples of improper and even illegal procedures administered by HR is a chapter of its own. This is the standard of leadership Amazon promotes. And this is just a tiny part of Bezos’ insulation from reality.

Most of the more productive workers burned out under the badgering method of management. The goal might be 400 units per hour, but realistically, doing the job the way it is supposed to be done, 300 units per hour would be sterling. Nonetheless, were you to be stowing cases of CDs you might hit 350 or even 390. The manager doesn’t say “good job,” she says “if you can do that you can do 450.” Then she rolls over a cart of large or single items with no available bins, and your rate drops to 100. Careful, you may not be working there tomorrow. Rates are calculated minute by minute, rather than average rates to compensate for the multitudes of variables in a day, the worker is judged by his lowest rate of the day. If you “cheated”, ignoring the quality and safety standards, you could make the numbers, and management only cared about numbers (I actually knew a person who, in the same conversation with a manager, received a perk for having the highest rate in her section that morning, and a write up for falling below this manager’s standard at another point the same day). Morale among the honest people working there was the lowest.  When I left, just a year after starting, there were less than two dozen people still there who had started with me, out of a population of about one thousand employees. When I had mentioned the turnover rate to management I was met with dismay. Now I realize they were not surprised by the rate, they were surprised I took issue with it.

I was fortunate. I had an “indirect task,” so I wasn’t measured by piecemeal rates. I had the opportunity to work with other facilities across the country. Perhaps my managers felt this would soften my view of their performance, giving me the knowledge it wasn’t just them, it was this bad or worse everywhere else. I suspect my managers were not intelligent enough to plan such a strategic move, just about every positive event at Amazon happens by accident. When I found one facility was habitually misstating the contents of their internal shipments, I mentioned it to my manager. He shrugged it off. After a few months, conversations with other facilities who were having the same issue with this one facility, and what is most likely to amount to millions of dollars in “lost” merchandise each year, I found the root of the symptom. Without going into too much detail, they were doing it wrong, using a system no shipper on the planet uses. When I explained it to my manager I got “Well, someone is going to have to go out there and show them how to do it right, and it isn’t going to be me.” In my mind this problem is solved with a single phone call, firing the shipping manager and replacing him with someone who has worked in the industry someplace on the planet Earth, but at Amazon everything is face to face. When I suggested the only logical reason to do things the way they were being done at this facility was to cover enormous routine theft, I was placed under investigation.

I could go on, but I don’t intend to write a book about it. Speaking of books, Amazon started as a book seller, and books continue to be a large portion of its business. Being the only game in town they treat authors much as they do their other employees. Big surprise there.

I was disappointed by Amazon. They came in with a good reputation and talked a good game. Most successful cons work that way. The environment was worse than a sandbox, I would say High School but I actually had a good time in High School. I mentioned to one manager in training there are many examples of successful companies that do not bully their employees, he smiled and said “but this way is more fun.” I’m sure he’s on his way to a career of new facilities, as he stays one step ahead of the harassment lawsuits. His comment had the tacit approval of the HR manager, she didn’t bat an eye when I mentioned it to her.

Amazon is a corporation. It is just another store, and you can buy almost anything through them. Or you can choose not to contribute to their profits and market share. At an all hands meeting last Spring, the General Manager of EWR4 said in a statement to the gathered employees, “You are not people, you are only numbers to me.” This is the general manager of Amazon’s largest facility (he has since been promoted and oversees two plantations facilities). Yet this isn’t the Amazon Jeff Bezos sees.

That would suggest Jeff is either incompetent, blind, or lying. I don’t really care which. I won’t patronize companies that abuse their workers, so Amazon is off my list of preferred vendors.


11 comments on “Implausible deniability

  1. Mike R says:

    The way Amazon handled state sales taxes is really insightful as to it’s greed over morals. It took a strong stand for years against state sales taxes, against the combined forces of the state revenue departments and local vendors put at a disadvantage. During those years of lobbying, it was building market dominance. Then, when the local mom and pop shops were clearly too weak to be competition anyway, it jumped on the sales tax bandwagon conveniently providing the mechanism for small vendors to have that collected for them, a nice percentage of which the states would refund to Amazon for the cost of collecting it. A savvy business move and an ethical betrayal.

    Same way with the way Amazon lures small vendors to list their products. It rarely is profitable for the vendors. And it serves to provide a way for Amazon to easily find out which products are in demand. Then they simply offer the same product themselves, wiping out the last business the smaller vendor might have had.

    Glad that you got out of that horrible environment, Blake. I’ve seen the same thing occur in the healthcare industry, where I have spent most of my working life. There is out right fraud in billing practices, and the ethics of the average worker have also slid into the trash bin. Management quality has matched the decline. Management ranks are filled with the power hungry. Labor laws have resulted in people being moved, not fired, when they commit terrible things. And when it is in their interest to downsize or otherwise fire an employee, they turn to the worst sort of treatment of the employee, hoping to force them to resign. The wise ones leave early, before they have had to live under months or years of abuse.

    What a fallen world this is, indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mari Collier says:

    Why do people continue to work there? Oh, right, because it is difficult to find a job someplace else. I did work ridiculous hours at Nintendo, but they did take care of the workers. Free lunches during the busy season, an HR that listened and helped when insurance problems arose, they would arrange travel when you were leaving on vacation, a discounted Starbucks barista, etc. The bonuses were top notch. I really don’t spend that much at Amazon, but like so many people, I can find items there at a lower price than elsewhere. Now I’m thinking about the purchases–whether to or not.

    Liked by 1 person

    • kblakecash says:

      Amazon HR protects the interests of the company. I have witnessed examples of HIPAA violations, and twice I heard the manager of HR refer to filing for workman’s compensation by saying “You’ll have to sue us” as a way to intimidate the employee.

      The starting wage is about 150% of minimum wage, other than that the benefits are few and far between. I found another job in a week, and sleep through the night now.


      • Mari Collier says:

        You were lucky or your area has plenty of openings.


      • Mike R says:

        Had that experience with an employer—“You’ll have to sue us.” It was one of those companies that would be nice too you until they had decided they no longer needed you. They would start to treat you horribly–hoping you would resign. If you had the tenacity (or need) to hang on, they would finally terminate you, with the advice that if you filed for unemployment compensation they would turn it over to their lawyer and fight the claim. I should have known better before I took the job. A friend had warned me that they had an extremely high rate of turnover. I really needed work and took the job. And it was manic-depressive ride. The management, trying to deal with it’s own vindictive style and the resulting problem with turnover, engaged in “balloons and seashells” for a short while, lavishing the employees with unexpected gifts. Then they would turn into Attila the Hun for a period. And all over again. Leaving there was the best thing I could have ever done.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mike R says:

      Despite what I read about how happy American workers are, I don’t find it among the people that I actually know. Many are happy to have a job, period. Especially if there is a good health care package that is partly paid for by the employer. Most complain of increasing overtime, of the sort that is expected but not paid for. Most complain of management that is stressed. Very few even consider leaving the job, just because our high rate of unemployment in the local area. It’s the effect of the market on management, I suppose–low demand for workers mean low turnover even when management is less than good. I think it is the effect of a market that is flowing with easy credit. A lot of “zombie” companies are created when a fair market would have wiped them out long ago. I can understand the pressure that even good companies are under as well–a dying consumer market and increasing expenses. The good companies that are just making it are pushed into the only thing they can do–cut costs. That means fewer, harder working employees that aren’t necessarily compensated for their increasing workload. So much of this, in my opinion, is fueled by an out-of-control monetary policy at the central banks who have created an artificial business environment. Don’t know when was the time you could have called the markets anywhere close to fair, much less free.

      You point out some ways that companies can help make things better. I’ve had the chance to work for a couple of places like that–hard work but very generous perks and bonuses. It makes up for a lot when you see that the company is trying to improve the situation. In a booming economy when they are having trouble finding enough qualified employees, having a management that is truthful about their problems and is showing it through great generosity goes a long way.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mari Collier says:

        You are right. Their bonus system was fantastic. It is different there now. I retired over ten years ago, but they were ending the bonus system then. One Vice-President even admitted I would be earning less even with the hourly increase. I cannot say what it is like for their employees now, but those that remain seem content. If they kept the same Human Resources system, I would assume that helps to alleviate problems.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. kblakecash says:

    I really need to write again. It’s been over a month and this is still the front page.

    By the way, Amazon was hacked, shut down all North American facilities shortly. Didn’t hear about it? You won’t. Even if (most likely to be true) no customer data was hacked, the rumors could be devastating. Not a word.


    • Mari Collier says:

      The article basically says what i said. It is not only Amazon, it is all huge (and sometimes small) operations. Finding employment where I live requires knowing someone. As for Amazon covering up, of course they did if now law or agency made them report it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mike R says:

      Your writing is always enjoyed and appreciated, Blake. Jeff Bezos is becoming richer than I can imagine, and with a company that only promises future earnings.

      I would love to see the media cover the never-ending string of vendors that Amazon invites to sell products they don’t carry. And then when the product turns out to be popular, Amazon then offers it as price that the vendors can’t compete with. What a “great” way to not have to risk carrying a questionable product–let the little vendors do the research for you.

      To some degree, Amazon is perfect image of a corporation in a corrupt economy. America workers are just now beginning to experience the full extent of the wreck that banksterism has created–corrupt CEO’s playing dirty pool with stocks and finance. I wish I could say that I thought that there was some bright spot on the horizon—like a return of manufacturing jobs to this country. But that seems unlikely.

      I could share some horrible stories about the health care industry and what it has become from my years working in it. I’ve been laid up for the last year with illness, and apparently it will be with me for awhile or indefinitely. But I recently tried to work a few hours for a private clinic run by a friend–one of those I know runs an honest shop. But even so, the fraud and unprofessionalism that one must deal with, just to do business with referring physicians and deal with the government was enough to turn my stomach. The ability of the insurance companies and providers alike, to carry on corruptly, drove my spirit into the ground in a few short days. For the first time I decided I needed to consider that, regardless of my health, I really cannot morally tolerate the environment.

      As you suggest in your OP, there is a point at which we have to decide who we will patronize.

      Liked by 1 person

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